Yes=2 Maybe/Undecided=1 No=0
Vata Attributes
___ 1. I am always thinking; my mind never slows down.
___ 2. My body is not proportionate (too long or short).
___3. I am always cold.
___ 4. I am a thin person and do not gain weight easily.
___ 5. I do tasks quickly but I need frequent breaks.
___ 6. I have one of these conditions: hemorrhoids, gas irritable bowel syndrome.
___ 7. I am a light sleeper and do not have solid, continuous sleep.
___ 8. I get constipated.
___ 9. During the last 10 years, my weight has fluctuated within 10 pounds.
___ 10. It is hard for me to make a decision.
___ 11. I want to do and learn so many things right now.
___ 12. I start many projects but seldom finish them.
___ 13. I have trouble staying in a long term relationship.
___ 14. I can not stay in the same job too long.
___ 15. I get bored doing repetitive tasks.
___ 16. I am creative but my creativity comes in spurts.
___ 17. I am the life of the party.
___ 18. I learn things quickly but I have difficulty remembering them later.
___ 19. I prefer working with my hands instead of reading a book.
___ 20. I worry often; even over the most insignificant things.
Vata Total ___
Pitta Attributes
___ 1. I can focus on jobs and tasks and complete them on time.
___ 2. I am well organized and plan things well.
___ 3. I have a strong will and seldom give up.
___ 4. I am an efficient person.
___ 5. I seldom get constipated.
___ 6. I usually feel hot.
___ 7. I have a healthy appetite and prefer large meals.
___ 8. I have skin disorders such as acne, rash, eczema, psoriasis.
___ 9. I am sometimes stubborn.
___ 10. I can lose my temper easily.
___ 11. I think I am always right.
___ 12. I need factual information before making decisions.
___ 13. I am not happy unless everything is done to perfection.
___ 14. I have a sensitive intestine.
___ 15. I can tolerate temperature changes.
___ 16. My body is average; I am not overweight or underweight.
___ 17. My weight moderately fluctuates.
___ 18. I lack patience.
___ 19. I am too hard on myself and others.
___ 20. I can work for long periods of time without breaks.
Pitta Total ___
Kapha Attributes
___ 1. I have a large body frame.
___ 2. I gain weight easily.
___ 3. I enjoy eating.
___ 4. I can do repetitive tasks.
___ 5. I don’t like change.
___ 6. I am caring, affectionate, and deep.
___ 7. Nothing bothers me; I take things in stride.
___ 8. Trust is very important to me.
___ 9. I love to sleep.
___ 10. My body is always warm.
___ 11. I take my time to complete tasks.
___ 12. I do not like to rush.
___ 13. I like the way I am; I don’t want to change.
___ 14. I have frequent sinus infections and congestion.
___ 15. It is hard for me to lose weight.
___ 16. It is hard for me to let things go.
___ 17. I am slow and steady but I keep going until I finish the job.
___ 18. I like systematic routine.
___ 19. I do not like damp weather.
___ 20. I have a good memory; I am slow to learn but I retain information for a long time.
Kapha Total ___
Vata = ___ Pitta = ___ Kapha = ___
Whichever total is highest is the one that is your most dominant. If there are two that are very close, you would be what is called dual-dosha. If all three are evenly numbered, then you are what is called tridoshic.
Any of these is perfect. One is not better than the other. Our goal is not to be tridoshic, or singly dosha dominant. Our goal is to be as balanced as possible, as whatever dosha we happen to be! So what is a Vata person like? Or a Pitta person? Or a Kapha person? In our next blog, we will take one dosha at a time, and give a generalized overview of some common characteristics of each. We will also be identifying what types of imbalances are common with each dosha. This is the next step on our journey of the balance of being...