
The Vedic Secret to Truly Having a Good Morning!

"Babe.... wake up.... isn't it Vata time right now?  Come on, get up!"  I squeezed my eyes shut, instantly regretting ever telling my husband about the Vedic times of day.
"Nooooo.  I don't wanna!"  Although I knew he was right, but my bed felt sooo good.  
"Come on, get up!"  
"Sshhhhh!  You're gonna wake up the kids!"  Too late.  In ran one, followed by the other.  
"Hiiiii mommy!"  Exuberantly happy to be awake and greeting me and the new day, my babies dragged me out of bed.  
"Okay, okay!  I'm up!"  
I got up, got dressed, put on my running shoes and my ipod, and I was out the door.  As I set my foot out into the glorious morning, it greeted me back, with a cool breeze, and beautiful skies, thanking me for rising early enough to witness it.  I took a deep breath, let it out slowly, so grateful to be outside...and began my morning run.  How sad to have missed out on all that bliss and beauty, and the energy that stayed with me all day, for a few extra minutes of sleep.

So why before 6 am?  Why wake up so early, when our warm beds beckon us to stay?  The Vata time of day falls between 2-6 am and 2-6 pm.  This time carries the qualities of the Vata dosha, so it is very high in energy.  By waking up before 6 am, we take advantage of that extra energy to give us the extra boost we need to get up and moving!  Getting outside and stepping into daylight also helps our bodies to awaken, and reminds us that it is morning!  Our bodies are so accustomed to staying up late at night.  We have an abundance of electric lights that betray the time of day, and convince us to keep going way past our "bedtime."  Walking in early morning sunlight helps to set our internal clock, and helps us to go to sleep at night too!  

The sanskrit term for the art of daily routine is dinacharya.  The times of day are a large part of creating a daily routine that is ideal for each of us as an individual.  Give your body the extra help our environment offers us, and wake up in the Vata time of day!  

For many, waking up is such a challenge because they can't get to sleep at night.  If you have a hard time getting to sleep, or staying asleep, stay tuned for the next two blogs!  We will be going over Pitta and Kapha times of day, and sharing some Vedic secrets for getting the best sleep at night!


Soak up the Beauty that is left in the remnants of the Stillness...

Do you remember being a child during a power outage?  Maybe it was just unique to our family, but I remember it as a terribly exciting and fun event!  All family members would gather in the kitchen, where the gas stove was lit.  The four burners giving the only light to the blanket of darkness.  Once those were lit, and our eyes adjusted, Mom would get more candles and flashlights so we could navigate about the house if need be.  Most nights though, we would stay hovering around the stove or seated at the kitchen table.  Often Mom would open the blinds so we could see the storm with its flashes of lightning dance across the kitchen walls... almost competing with the flickers of candlelight.  With no electricity, came no television, no radio, no distractions.  Crashes of thunder were the soundtrack to our power outage family chats.  On the rare occasion that we had them in the house, Mom would even let us roast marshmallows on the flames of the stove!  What a wonderful way to turn an "unfortunate event" into a joyous one!

This memory brought to my attention how lost we "mature adults" get in the intricacies of grown-up life.  So preoccupied with our to-do lists and jam packed schedules, we often forget about these simple pleasures.  So accustomed to the constant movement, music, television, emails, video games...What if you made a decision to create your own "power outage" intentionally?  Turn off the phones, turn off the music, turn off the television.  The next step is very important, FIRST get your candles and matches or lighter in place and lit, THEN turn off the lights.  ;)  The rest is up to you.  Focus on appreciating the finer details of the rest of your evening.  Tune in to the wonder of your breath, and its effortless ebb and flow.  What other sounds will create the "background music" to your evening?  Are there birds that sing in the evening outside your home like at mine?  Are there crickets that sing to each other outside your window?  Could you time your evening of appreciation with the full moon?  Open up the windows or go outside and soak up the lunar rays and their beauty.  Spring is coming... and with it all the beautiful desert blooms.  Breathe in their delicate aroma, and exhale away any stresses from the day.  Maybe you could plan your night on a "high chance of showers" day, and breathe in the wet desert dirt smell, we natives have come to love.  Whatever type of evening you choose to create, the options of sensory delight are endless.  

There are many of us that mentally recognize that most of our experiences in life are dependent on our perception.  As simplistic as it may sound, this recognition put into action can be life altering, in the best way imaginable.  We constantly receive reminders that life is something that should be relished and thoroughly enjoyed, if we will just open our eyes and listen.  

On Friday, 2:45 came around and it was time to pick up my daughter from school.  I got my shoes and my two year old son, Elijah's shoes on. I grabbed my purse and keys, and took a deep breath.  (One of these days I'll write about the blessing/curse of being a stay at home mom, and all that it entails!)   :)  As I opened the door to walk outside, my happy little boy literally pranced out the doorway.  I quickly locked the door behind  me, and turned to see him half skipping, half running down the walkway to the car.  He stopped halfway, after realizing I wasn't beside him, and ran back to me.  His little hand grabbed mine, and he laughed out a giddy, "MAMA!  RUUUUUUUUN!  HAHAHAHAHA!"  What a lucky mama I am to have this little reminder of how we are meant to enjoy our moments!  What a beautiful thing.  He literally was beside himself with joy to run!  It didn't matter the destination!  It didn't matter the speed!  He just was happy to run!  Now, if you have the secret to enjoying running, then I need to read your blog!  I have not gotten there yet!  But the message is the same.  We choose the level of joy we glean from the collective moments that create our day.  Someday soon, make a "power outage" happen in your life, and soak up the beauty that is left in the remnants of the stillness.  


An Opportunity to Embrace, Remain Neutral, or Let Go...

Let go of the people who cause constant pain; let go of the negativity that colors a room more darkly than any coat of paint. Keep close the people you love, the ones who stay engaged and open to life, who bring joy and peace to the house and garden. ~ Dominique Browning

Today needed something... something more.  I went out to the garage and dug out a book I haven't opened in several years.  It is a book by Sarah Ban Breathnach called Romancing the Ordinary - A Year of Simple Splendor.  The book is overflowing with wonderful little ways to choose a more joyous life.  The message is to "romance the ordinary", and gain an extraordinary existence out of an "ordinary" life.  I highly recommend it.  

In flipping through the pages I came across the quote listed above, and it was exactly what I was looking for.  It was the something more that I needed today.  The message behind this quote is one that I have been working on realizing for several years now in my own life.  Today I choose to it all over again.  

Every day we are handed an unending list of options, of choices with which we will create our day.  From the moment we wake in the morning, to the last conscious thought at night... our day is full of choices.  Every breath is an opportunity to either embrace something, remain neutral, or let it go.  With every decision, we have the opportunity to create more balance and peace within our souls.  

What kind of people do we choose to surround ourselves with?  Do they contribute to the beauty in our life?  Allow us to breathe easier, speak more openly and honestly, and accept and love us unconditionally?  If not, then now would be the best time to, "Let go of the people who cause constant pain; let go of the negativity that colors a room more darkly than any coat of paint."  

Imagine a brightly lit room filled with people... laughter and joyous voices fill the air.  Picture a shadow falling across the wall, falling across the crowd... The voices hush... the light is gone.  There is nothing quite like the damage that can be done by an energetic vampire.  These people literally suck the energy out of their victims, and leave them empty and joyless.  Beware of these people, and the negativity they thrive on and spread.  

"Keep close the people that you love, the ones who stay engaged and open to life, who bring joy and peace to the house and garden."
What type of people do you draw into your life?  Just as each of us is elementally unique, we will be the most benefited by different personalities according to our individual makeup.

Vatas would be best supported by a stable, dependable, centered and grounded friend.  One who will bring them back to reality when they have strayed too far in the airy ethers.  Pittas need a similar friend, but additionally one with a very patient, reasoning quality, for the times when Pittas temper flares.  Kaphas would be complemented by a fiery, energetic person, one who will motivate and encourage them out of stagnant stillness into accomplishing their goals.  Embrace these personalities in your life.  They will support you in the areas you need it most.

Lastly, of course the question lies within you.  What type of person are you?  Do you cause constant pain and spread negativity with your presence?  Or are you engaged and open to life?  

Ready to choose joy and peace today and every day... I invite you to create an extraordinarily beautiful experience out of the ordinary moments of today.