
Grounded, Consistent, and Loyal- The Kapha Dosha

The Kapha dosha is a combination of the earth and water elements.  The positive aspects of these two elements meshing are many.  They are grounded, stable, reliable, consistent, loving, kind, considerate.  They are guarded initially, but once they love, it is deep and committed.  They generally have a larger bone frame, and are more prone to gaining weight than the other two doshas.  Their skin and hair is oily and hydrated.

Remembering that the two elements that compose this dosha are earth and water, consider what the two of them create.  MUD.  When there is not enough air, or movement, then the water settles into the earth and stagnation follows.  Think about what happens when water sits without movement for an extended period of time.  Bacteria can develop, mold can grow.  It becomes a breeding ground for negativity.  This is the same with the kapha dosha.  When there is not enough physical, emotional, or mental movement, issues arise.

The lymphatic system is a major part of our immune system.  It is a part of our filtration system that weeds out toxic substances and flushes them out of the body.  The lymphatic system is different from the rest of our circulatory system though.  Our blood circulates through our body with the aid of our heart.  The lymphatic system does not have a pump to move the lymph through the body.  The system is dependent on muscular contractions, which push the lymph through the tiny filters all over our bodies.  If we live very sedentary lifestyles, this pumping action is not being stimulated, and stagnation will result.  Because of the dominant earth element in the kapha constitution, they are prone to lack of motivation to move.  They are the ones who need to move the most!

Kapha types are also prone to being emotionally "stuck" as well.  They are prone to holding on to past pains or resentments, refusing to forgive and forget.  Sadly, their lack of desire to change or let go of the past makes them the most prone to depression.  It is usually because of past "hurts" that many kaphas seem so guarded and closed off.  The wall that protects them from getting hurt also prevents them from enjoying life to its fullest.

As was mentioned earlier, one thing that is extremely important for a kapha type to do is be active EVERY DAY.  Because of the challenge they usually have in waking up in the morning, walks outside at sunrise are excellent for them.  Even though it is probably the last thing they would CHOOSE to do, it is what they need the most.  Being out in the sunlight will help to set their internal clock, and help them get to bed at a decent hour.  This activity will also assist in the movement of the lymph and boost their immune system.  In addition to that, it will boost their endorphins and their mood!  The "air" element of exercise helps tremendously at stimulating and pushing the earth and water elements to be productive in the rest of their day!