
Passionate, fiery, focused, and in this heat... hot tempered!! Pitta!

In this beautiful state of Arizona, specifically where I live, in the Phoenix area, we understand the true meaning of HOT.  The days in the summer can reach as high as 115 degrees!  Understandably, resident's tempers tend to rise with the environment's heat.  This idea teaches us a core principle that "like increases like".  When elemental characteristics in our environment shift, it impacts the elemental makeup within us!  It is for that reason that recent statistics suggest that the heat of the summer months creates a rise in road rage!  Whatever is in our environment impacts us, influences us, in a positive or negative way.  Many of my students have noticed a considerable shift in their patience, tolerance, and rationality in the summer months.

The Pitta constitution is one that is composed of the elements fire and water.  The dominant fire in this dosha is evident in all of its activities.  They are focused, driven, passionate, determined, and very efficient in what they accomplish.  These are all wonderful things!  The only challenge with Pittas is that they don't want to stop... EVER.  They are the classic "type A" personality.  Scheduling every moment to be as productive as possible, the Pitta dosha rarely rests.  This lack of interest in slowing down and grounding makes them more prone to crashing and "burning out", or blowing up at whoever is in their path.  The fire element literally gets too hot, and they are forced to stop.  An excess of the fire element in the body can show up in a number of different ways.  Inflammation in the body is due to excess heat, or fire.  Inflammatory bowel disorders, inflamed acne, inflammation in the joints, eczema, rosacea and any other heat based challenges are all Pitta based.

Remembering the principle that like increases like is important in identifying what choices to make regarding our environment.  All of the elements are found in everything around us!  Look at the food that you are eating... does it heat you up?  Or cool you off?  Look at the type of drinks you choose... are they hot or cold?  Stimulating or soothing?  Look at the people you surround yourself with... do they agitate you?  Or calm you down?  A Pitta constitution should choose all things cooling and keep things that add fire to a minimum.  Spicy food, hot, stimulating drinks, and temperamental personalities should all be avoided to maintain balance.  The key word here is moderation.  I am not suggesting you NEVER AGAIN eat mexican food.  :)  I mean, we live in Arizona, right?  But keeping their intake of heating substances, environments, and personalities will help a Pitta person keep their fire under control.  We'll be learning about specific foods and activities that will help to cool and balance the Pitta dosha.  :)